Medical Library

Welcome to our medical library. Here you’ll find easy-to-read articles that cover everything you need to know about male and female hair loss, as well as overall hair health and wellness. They’re all reviewed by our doctors, so you can trust that they’re scientifically accurate. 

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Hair Loss CausesDoctor examining his young patient's hairline.

When Is the Best Time to Start Hair Loss Treatment?

Many patients ask us when the best time to start hair loss treatment is. But what if we told you that the answer is actually more complicated than just age? In this article, we'll address some of t...

Genetics and Male Pattern Hair Loss: An Interview with Dr. Jerry Cooley

Download Transcript In this episode, Dr. Simon Pimstone is joined by Dr. Jerry Cooley, a pioneer in the field of surgical hair transplantation and lead surgeon at the Cooley Hair Centre, based out...

Hair Loss CausesMan examining his hairline for signs of receding.

Is My Hairline Mature or Receding?

If you've noticed a change in your hairline and taken to google for answers, you might have discounted it as a 'mature hairline'. But this could be endangering you hair further by delaying you from...

Female Hair LossOlder women with grey hair experiencing menopause hair loss.

Menopause and Hair Loss

For many women, menopause is a significant stage in one's life. In this article, we're shedding light on hair loss, a less-talked about "symptom" of menopause. As the body's production of estrogen ...

Female Hair LossYoung woman examining hair in mirror for signs of whether female hair loss is reversible.

Is Female Pattern Hair Loss Reversible?

Male and female pattern baldness are often grouped together into one hair loss condition. But there are some important differences between these conditions, that could have implications for clinica...

Female Hair LossWoman contemplating pregnancy and hair loss.

Pregnancy and Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss is a common issue faced by new mothers and it's caused in part by hormonal changes that occur shortly after delivery of the baby. In many cases, post pregnancy hair loss resolv...

Female Hair LossWoman with female pattern hair loss holding brush full of hair.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female pattern hair loss is a common hair loss disorder that is most often associated with aging and changing hormone levels. It's a complex condition that can begin as a gradually widening hair pa...

Hair Loss CausesMan caressing hair experiencing the early signs of androgenetic alopecia.

What Is Androgenetic Alopecia?

Having great hair is an instant confidence boost. But for some, androgenetic alopecia (also known as male pattern baldness) can put a damper on things. The cause of this type of hair loss is mainly...

Hair HealthMan with advanced hair loss according to the Hamilton Norwood scale.

What is the Hamilton-Norwood scale?

Male pattern hair loss is assessed using a tool called the Hamilton-Norwood scale. A person's Norwood score provides a visual indication of how advanced their hair loss is and can provide valuable ...

Hair Loss CausesDHT and Hair Loss

DHT and Hair Loss

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the male sex steroid hormone responsible for male pattern hair loss. DHT levels are dictated by DHT production and metabolism, which are processes dictated by genetics.